Alex Chapman

Alex Chapman

Instagram: neurospicy_bean
X: Neurospicy_Bean

Thesis Title

Aural Diversity in Society: Exploring Auditory Processing Management for Neurodivergent Musicians and Audiences in Live Music Settings with A UK Access-Driven Music Organisation


Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM)


Dr Michelle Phillips (RNCM)
Dr Sara Ascenso (RNCM)
Pete Sparkes (Drake Music Scotland)

Research Summary

Many neurodivergent individuals share a significant trait that may result in preferred absence from society: auditory processing challenges. However, management of those challenges can sometimes pose an issue when engaging with society.

Through a Collaborative Doctoral Award with Drake Music Scotland, Alex seeks to understand how neurodivergent musicians and audiences manage their auditory processing challenges in society and live music settings. Through inclusive community practice and policy collation, experimentation of device testing and management strategies will aim to reduce their discomfort within public spaces and live music settings. The development and outcomes of the project will provide possible future strategies to Drake Music Scotland which may be used to reduce auditory processing challenges for neurodivergent musicians and audiences within their project practice and delivery.

Research Interests

Neurodivergence; Accessibility; Inclusion; Community; Auditory Discomfort; Psychoacoustics; Policy


Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations:
Chapman, A. (2024). How do you hear music?: A qualitative enquiry into auditory experiences of autistic individuals [Paper Presentation]. The 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, York UK

Public Dissemination:
Chapman, A. & Phillips, M. (2023). Sennheiser MobileConnect: Experimentation with Auditory Accessible Technologies for the Aid of RNCM Venues [Presentation]. RNCM Underrepresented Launch 2023, Manchester UK.

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