Funding for current postgraduate researchers

Below are details of the funding opportunities that are available to the DTP’s postgraduate researchers.

Any questions relating to funding or studentship payments should be directed to the relevant institutional contact.

When preparing your funding application, please ensure that you use the DTP Sustainability Toolkit.

Please note that as part of the funding application to any of the following schemes you will need to submit a Case Study Report (Section 1 and 2) at the moment of application, and the full report (Section 1-5) once your funded activity is completed.


Fieldwork and Conference Fund

NWCDTP postgraduate researchers are entitled to apply for additional funds to assist them with expenditure directly relating to fieldwork and/or attendance at conferences.

Full award, fees-only, full-time and part-time award holders are eligible to receive this support.

Postgraduate researchers with a full award will continue to receive maintenance payments while abroad, provided they have met all their obligations under the Council’s terms and conditions.


Applications are invited from NWCDTP postgraduate researchers with the support of their supervisor(s).

Please submit a Case Study Report (Section 1-2) at the moment of application, and the full report once your funded activity is completed. 


Applications will be processed on a monthly basis, so please send your application to  by 4pm on the 1st of each month. You should receive a response within three to four weeks.


Collaborative Skills Development Scheme

Applications are invited for grants of between £2K and £5K for ambitious and innovative doctoral training initiatives focused on the needs of arts and humanities postgraduate researchers in the institutions of the NWCDTP. We are not prescriptive about the kinds of activities which we seek to support, but we have identified a number of strategic priorities, and proposals that address one or more of these priorities may be at an advantage.

These priorities are:

  • Training in partnership working including public engagement. We would expect such training to be delivered in collaboration with organisations outside academia, such as one of the NWCDTP’s own strategic partners.
  • The development of research skills in digital humanities.
  • The development of skills in public policy engagement.
  • Student-led conferences, especially if they involve international networking.
  • Career development initiatives.


Applications can be received from Pathway leaders and representatives, PGR Research Development Teams in the seven institutions, students, supervisors and non-HEI partners.

Applications will be processed on a monthly basis, so please send your application to  by 4pm on the 1st of each month. You should receive a response within three to four weeks.

Please submit a Case Study Report (Section 1-2) at the moment of application, and the full report once your funded activity is completed. 


Cohort Development Fund

The North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership has an allocated fund available to support the integration of activities across institutions and pathways. The Cohort Development Fund (CDF) will support:

  • The development and delivery of disciplinary and interdisciplinary conferences and seminars (these events will develop knowledge with respect to subject matter and methodology within and across disciplines)
  • The development and delivery of staff/postgraduate researcher/partner led impact and engagement events. (these events will benefit postgraduate researchers by introducing them early to ideas and processes relating to research impact and public engagement)

Applications are invited from institutional pathway representatives to claim funding to run those events targeted at NWCDTP students. Postgraduate researcher-led initiatives are welcome, but applications must be made via a pathway leader or representative.


CDF applications will be processed on a monthly basis, so please ensure your application is received by 4pm on the 1st of the month. You should receive a response within three to four weeks. If the deadline is missed the application will not be processed until the following month.

Please submit a Case Study Report (Section 1-2) at the moment of application, and the full report once your funded activity is completed.

Student Development Fund (SDF)

The North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership has an allocated fund available to support the training and development of a particular postgraduate researcher’s needs. The Student Development Fund (SDF) will support:

1/ Training in specialist skills needed for the successful completion of the postgraduate researcher’s programme of research. Relevant costs here might include the cost of a training course, including the postgraduate researcher’s travel and subsistence costs

2/ Personalised support in the acquisition of skills in the translation of research findings for a wider audience


Applications are invited from NWCDTP postgraduate researchers with the support of their supervisor(s).

Applications will be processed on a monthly basis, so please ensure your application is received by 4pm on the 1st of each month. You should receive a response within three to four weeks. If the deadline is missed the application will not be processed until the following month.

Please submit a Case Study Report (Section 1-2) at the moment of application, and the full report once your funded activity is completed. 

Overseas Institutional Visits and Exchanges

The North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership has an allocated fund available to support the training and development of a particular postgraduate researcher’s needs. The DTP will support visits to overseas universities, where these are necessary for the development of the specialist skills of an individual postgraduate researcher.

Postgraduate researchers can apply to claim expenses for these visits and in some circumstances may also be awarded a funded extension to their stipend, each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

For more information and guidance please visit the OIV page. Includes information on the UK-Canada Globalink doctoral exchange scheme.

Please submit a Case Study Report (Section 1-2) at the moment of application, and the full report once your funded activity is completed. 



Placements & Knowledge Exchange

The North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership has an allocated funds to support placements in non-HEI organisations, including but not restricted to the NWCDTP’s designated partner organisations

Placements are supported primarily by extensions to studentships, although travel costs may also be payable. Under this scheme, a postgraduate researcher who successfully applies for a three-month placement will receive an additional three months’ funding at the end of the studentship. Postgraduate researchers will still receive their monthly stipend whilst on placement.

Please note that this will imply an extension to the three-year doctoral programme but not to the four-year AHRC submission deadline.

For more information on how to apply for a placement and opportunities please visit our PGR Knowledge Exchange page.


Research Networks

The aims of the scheme are:

  • To promote the closer integration of our postgraduate researcher cohort by means of the creation of research groups working across pathway boundaries.
  • To develop postgraduate researchers’ skills in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary working.
  • To develop postgraduate researchers’ capacity to become research leaders.

We invite bids for sums up to £2,000 for sustainable networks. Small bids (in the region of £200 to £400) are welcome for pilot initiatives, such as reading groups that might develop into fully-fledged networks.


We ask for groups of at least three postgraduate researchers to apply for this. The lead applicants must be DTP funded postgraduate researchers – however the network will be open to all.

Applications will be processed on a monthly basis, so please send your application to  by 4pm on the 1st of each month. You should receive a response within three to four weeks.

Please submit a Case Study Report (Section 1-2) at the moment of application, and the full report once your funded activity is completed. 


Targeted Funding

In 2024 the DTP will devote specific targeted funding to the following research themes (in addition to our standard research funding schemes):

Artificial Intelligence



There will be particular funding available to support work in these areas, broadly interpreted.

Between £500 and £5000 will be available for projects such as:

  • Conferences
  • Workshops
  • Work in Progress studios
  • Co-working and network initiatives
  • Outreach activities
  • Knowledge exchange
  • Exhibitions and performances
  • Research training
  • Research as practice
  • Residencies
  • Learning by practice
  • Future networks
  • Enterprise activity
  • Careers and postdoctoral opportunity

We are interested in applications that:

  • might develop into future funding applications with the DTP or other outside funding bodies
  • embed research methods.
  • engage with non-academic partners.

Applications are welcome that involve DTP alumni.

Successful projects will be given the opportunity to develop follow-on bids and expand their scale in future funding Targeted Funding rounds.

Potential applicants are advised to contact the DTP Director, Jerome de Groot, to discuss their applications.

Funding applications should be made by groups consisting:

  • at least one NWCDTP-funded postgraduate researcher and postgraduate researchers from at least two Universities, or;
  • at least one NWCDTP-funded postgraduate researcher and one DTP partner organisation, or;
  • at least one NWCDTP-funded postgraduate researcher and one postgraduate researcher from Liverpool Hope University and/ or Liverpool John Moores University, or;
  • at least one current NWCDTP-funded postgraduate researcher and at least one alumni of the DTP.

Pathway representatives and academics can apply as part of a group. Postgraduate researchers not funded by the NWCDTP can apply as a part of a group.

Eligible projects must:

  • Be relevant to PGR students from a wide range of arts and humanities disciplines across the DTP.
  • Begin in the academic year 2020-21, but in the case of programmes of events they may continue into the following academic year, provided that this is made clear in the application.
  • Generate an output or legacy of some kind: publications, podcasts, blog posts etc. as appropriate.

How to apply:

Applications will be processed on a monthly basis, so please send your application to  by 4pm on the 1st of each month. You should receive a response within three to four weeks.

Final reporting and communications

Please submit a Case Study Report (Section 1-2) at the moment of application, and the full report once your funded activity is completed.