Carer and Parents policy

The North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership (NWCDTP) recognises that some doctoral researchers will have caring and parenting responsibilities and may face obstacles in terms of access, time, resources, and/or progressing their PhD studies. We understand that these responsibilities are unique to each person(s) and that each researcher will have individual needs, circumstances, and requirements for support. This policy provides advice and guidance for:

  • Doctoral researchers within the NWCDTP who, at any point during their PhD programme, are responsible for providing emotional, practical, or any other kind of day-to-day support to partners, children and other family members, friends, neighbours, or others who are unable to manage alone.
  • Supervisory staff and/or those who have a role in advising and supporting doctoral researchers who already are or who anticipate having carer responsibilities, as well as researchers who may continue to be affected after caring responsibilities have ceased.

The policy covers any current or prospective doctoral researcher who has sole or shared responsibility for a child, or looks after a partner, relative, friend, or neighbour due to illness, a disability or mental health condition(s), or addiction. We recognise that the need for care can often be short or long term, and that the responsibility for emotional or practical support may occur at any point and may not be predictable or have a set timescale.

For further information about current support for PhD caregivers and parents, please read our complete documentation here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at