Daphna Baram

Daphna Baram

X (Twitter): @missdcomedy
Instagram: @missdcomedy
Facebook: @missdcomedy
Email: d.baram@lancaster.ac.uk
Website: https://www.missdcomedy.com

Thesis Title

Something to Declare: Immigrants’ Stand-Up Comedy in the UK


Lancaster Institute for Contemporary Arts
Lancaster University


Dr. Cami Rowe
Prof. Andrew Quick

Research Summary

This ethnographic research looks into the negotiation strategies used by first generation immigrant stand-up comedians in the UK when engaging with British audience. It is based on interviews and performance texts, and draws on Pierre Bourdieu, Judith Burler’s reading of Emmanuel Levinas, Edward Said and contemporary writing on stand-up comedy from Oliver Double, Sophie Quirk, Sam Friedman and Ian Brodie.

Research Interests

Stand-up comedy,
human rights and
immigrant and displacement.


Disenchantment: The Guardian and Israel, London, Guardian Books, 2004.

Packing in the Jokes while packing up to Leave? Immigrant Stand-Up Comedians Facing Brexit;
Comedy in Crisis Conference, 14 January 2022, Birmingham City University.

Show me your Funny: Immigrant Stand-Up Comedians and Cultural Economy; The Cultural Economy of Comedy Symposium, Leicester, 17 Feb 2022.

Philosophy and Comedy at the Philosophy and Comedy Conference. Kent University, 20 May 2023.

Immigrants Stand Up Comedy in the UK, Research Presentation at PhD research panel at the 10th anniversary of the Centre for Comedy Studies Research (CCSR), 11 October 2023.


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