Student profiles
Eyup Ensar Dal
Thesis Title
Professor Stefan Hanß
Research Summary
My PhD project explores the world of early modern Ottoman society, focusing on the experiences of parents and the concept of parenthood within both social and legal contexts. Specifically, my project utilises eighteenth-century court records from Istanbul, conducting a comprehensive socio-legal analysis with a particular emphasis on gendered parental experiences. This allows for the study of the relationship of family, emotions, and law in the making of Ottoman society, and the understandings and experiences of parenting in Istanbul in particular.
The core research questions that drive my project are twofold: “How was parenthood constructed in cultural, emotional, and legal terms through the social identification of parental practices?,” and “To what extent did the implementation of Islamic law in early modern Ottoman society shape parents’ experiences regarding childcare, marriage, and divorce?”
Research Interests
History of family,
Early modern Ottoman society,
Histories of parenting,
and Law.