Student profiles
Giulia Muti
Previous Education
MA in Archeology and Ancient History (Archeologia e Storia antica) at the University of Torino. Thesis title: The Archaeology of Textile Production in Bronze Age Cyprus. Year of graduation: 2015. Grade: 110/110 cum laude.
BA in Science of Cultural Heritage specializing in Archaeology (Scienze dei Beni Culturali curriculum archeologico) at the University of Pisa. Year of graduation: 2012. Grade: 110/110 cum laude.
Secondary school at Liceo classico “L.Costa”, La Spezia (senior high school specializing in classical studies – Latin and Greek). Year of graduation: 2008. Grade: 100/100 cum laude
Thesis Title
Tracing ancient textiles: production, consumption and social uses in Bronze Age Cyprus
Dr Lindy Crewe (1st), Dr Ina Berg (2nd), Dr Melanie Giles (IA)
Research summary
The aim of the research project is to holistically analyse textile production and consumption in Bronze Age Cyprus and to consider both the symbolic and practical aspects of this technology, from the appearance of the first definite textile toolkit at the beginning of the Bronze Age (c. 2500 BC), through the evidence for larger than household scale production (from c. 1850 BC), to the first ‘industrial’ scale activities in the Late Bronze Age urban centres (c. 1450-1050 BC).
Research interests
My interests include Bronze Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean archaeology with particular reference to Cyprus, ancient textiles and textile technologies, productive archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology, and gender studies. I have been participating and supervising archaeological excavations in Italy and Cyprus. I have also participated at experimental workshops on ancient textile techniques.
Muti G., 2015. Archeologia della produzione tessile a Cipro nell’Età del Bronzo: alcune riflessioni sulla catena operativa. In A.M. Jasink and L. Bombardieri (eds.), Akrothinia. Contributi di giovani ricercatori italiani agli studi egei e ciprioti, 185-210. Firenze: Firenze University Press.