Lucy Timbrell

Twitter: lucytimbrell96

Thesis Title

Cultural diversity, population structure, and habitability during the eastern African Middle Stone Age


University of Liverpool


Dr Matt Grove

Research Summary

I am a PhD researcher in Archaeology of Human Origins from the University of Liverpool. My PhD employs a variety of quantitative approaches, such as geometric morphometrics, ecological niche modelling and GIS, to investigate the articulation between material culture and palaeoenvironments in the Middle Stone Age of Eastern Africa, key to our understanding of modern human evolution.

Research Interests

Human evolution,
African Middle Stone Age,
and lithic technology.


Peer reviewed publications
Timbrell, L. Scott, C., Habte, B., Tefera, Y., Monod, H., Qazzih, M., Marais, B., Black, W., Maroma, C., Ndiema, E., Henderson, S., Elmes, K., Plomp, K., Grove, M. (2022). Testing inter-observer error under a collaborative research framework for studying lithic shape variability. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14, 209.

Timbrell, L., de la Peña, P., Way, A., Hoggard, C. S., Backwell, L., d’Errico, F., Wadley, L., Grove, M. (2022). Technological and geometric morphometric analysis of ‘post-Howiesons Poort’ points at Border Cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews. 297 (107813).

Timbrell, L. (2022). A collaborative model for lithic shape digitisation in museum settings. Lithic Technology.

Timbrell, L., Grove, M., Manica, A., Rucina, S. and Blinkorn, J. (2022). A spatiotemporally explicit paleoenvironmental framework for the Middle Stone Age of eastern Africa. Scientific Reports 12, 3689.

Blinkhorn, J., Timbrell, L., Grove, M., and Scerri, E. (2022). Evaluating refugia in recent human evolution in Africa. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377: 20200485.

Grove, M., Timbrell, L., Jolley, B., Polack, F. and Borg, J. M. (2022). The importance of noise colour in simulations of evolutionary systems. Artificial life.

Timbrell, L. and Plomp, K. (2019). Using the shape of the basicranial portion of the temporal bone to distinguish between relatively closely-related human groups. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 6(1)

Edited volumes
Timbrell, L. (2021). Conversations in Human Evolution: Volume 2. Oxford: Archaeopress. Printed ISBN 9781789699470. Epublication ISBN 9781789699487.

Timbrell, L. (2020). Conversations in Human Evolution: Volume 1. Oxford: Archaeopress. Printed ISBN 9781789695854. Epublication ISBN 9781789695861

Kaercher, K., Arntz, M., Bomentre, N., Hermoso-Buxán, X.L., Kay, K., Ki, S., Macleod, R., Muñoz-Mojado, H., Timbrell, L., Wisher, I. eds. (2020). Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference Proceedings 2019. Oxford: Archaeopress. Printed ISBN 9781789697940. Epublication ISBN 9781789697957.

Edited chapters
Timbrell L. (2020). Strength in numbers: combining old datasets to answer new questions. In: Kaercher, K., Arntz, M., Bomentre, N., Hermoso-Buxán, X.L., Kay, K., Ki, S., Maclead, R., Muñoz-Mojado, H., Timbrell, L., Wisher, I. (eds). Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference Proceedings 2019. Oxford: Archaeopress. Printed ISBN 9781789697940. Epublication ISBN 9781789697957.

Issues, news, and reviews articles
Timbrell, L. and Phillips, C. (2021). The University of Liverpool Evolutionary Anthropology Seminar Series: transcending the COVID-19 pandemic. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News and Reviews.

Timbrell, L. (2020). How to read stone tools – a new mode system for describing variation in the Eastern African lithic record? Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News and Reviews 29(5), 280-282

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