Rachael Gibson

Rachael Gibson

Twitter: @rgibsonmusic
Instagram: @rgibsonmusic
Email: Rachael.Gibson@liverpool.ac.uk
Website: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/music/study/postgraduate-research/pgr-students/rachael-gibson/

Thesis Title

Music As Touch: rethinking the Composer-Performer-Audience hierarchy through a practice-based exploration of tactile approaches to music making and engagement.


University of Liverpool


Dr Ben Hackbarth
Dr Jonathan Crossley

Research Summary

Rachael is a guitarist and composer who started her PhD at the University in October 2022. She is currently undertaking a practice-based composition project funded by the NWCDTP which will explore new ways to notate and musically interrogate the relationship between touch and performance. The resulting compositions will be guided by three interrelated aims: 1) encouraging substantive and sustained contributions from performers and the audience; 2) breaking down the barriers of participation with respect to performative complexity, and; 3) engendering wider community engagement within contemporary music.

Research Interests

Contemporary composition,
improvisation and alternative notation,
haptic interaction,
music technology
and new interfaces for musical expression.


Coming soon


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