Student profiles
Simon Callaghan
Twitter: @simondcallaghan
Previous Education
BMus (Hons) (First Class) in Performance from the Royal College of Music (London)
Thesis title
Roger Sacheverell Coke: ‘England’s Lost Rachmaninoff’: new discovery and appraisal
Dr David Jones (main supervisor), Prof. Barbara Kelly (second supervisor)
Research Summary
Simon’s research is centred around the life and music of Derbyshire composer Roger Sacheverell Coke (1912-72).
While focusing on the production of new editions, performances and recordings, he is also exploring the concept of identity with reference to various aspects of the composer’s life to fully understand his work and the factors that may have contributed to his music not being more successful and widely-known.
Furthermore he will aim to set him in context with the British music scene of the mid-twentieth century, to enable a greater appreciation of his complex and idiosyncratic output.
Musical Opinion, July-September 2015: Roger Sacheverell Coke (1912-72): His Life and Music