New Modes of Art Writing 2 – Call for abstracts
New Modes of Art Writing 2: Intersections of the Critical and the Creative Voice
Friday 10th November 2017
Is there a space where creating and experiencing art meets and converges with writing? If so, what is this space? And how might we theorize it? How can we use writing to explore the varied forms of visual arts
practices? And how might we incorporate and situate writing within the context of our artistic research, and the wider practices of the arts and humanities?
We would like to examine how art may incorporate different forms of writing to consider how traditional positions of objectivity and subjectivity can be challenged and whether there are ways of bridging the gap between different writing practices, in order for new forms to emerge.
New Modes of Art Writing 2 intends to provide a space where we might rethink writing as a further agency of our creative practice, encouraging exploration of its potential as an artistic form and as a method of critical enquiry.
The one day symposium aims to encourage regional, national and international applications from PhD researchers and independent scholars. We invite applicants to submit abstracts for 20-minute papers,
performances or to run a workshop.
Subjects and topics may be drawn from the list below, but please don’t view this as prescriptive or exhaustive:
* Encountering art through writing
* Performative writing about art
* Critical writing about art
* Art Historical Writing
* Self-life writing responding to Art Practice
* Ekphrasis: Writing from the visual
* Writing as visual arts practice
* Auto-ethnography. Writing from personal experience in order to understand cultural experience.
Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words for for 20-minute papers, performances or to run a workshop together with a 200 word biography by Friday 1st
September 2017 via email to
Questions and expressions of interest can also be addressed for the attention of Gary Spicer at the same email address in advance of the deadline.
For further information: visit the conference website